They say… A picture is worth a thousand words.”

{     $31,353,597.00   }

Now THAT’S a pretty picture!

Gilpin County is receiving record amounts of funds from the casinos. (Shown in above chart published by the State of CO).

In Gilpin County, property owners received their increased property assessments this year. Our property taxes are being increased by HUGE amounts (depending on your property value), in 2024.

The County Commissioners (voted 2/1) to place ANOTHER TAX on your 11/7/2023 ballot, which will never end. Those Commissioners have promoted the new tax (1A) as help for the Community Center. The last paragraph in the ballot language allows the County to spend the money anywhere they want with voter approval. It isn’t “solely” for the Parks & Recreation!                   Loopholes are lovely. (sarcasm)!


The Gilpin County General Fund built and paid for the rec center for all 17 years before the pandemic, opening seven days a week. We had a much smaller pot of money then, and the Commissioners, throughout all those years, funded our rec center with no special tax to the Gilpin County taxpayers.  

You have to decide for yourself whether you think this makes sense. Then vote.  

Thank you for reading, researching and sharing the light! Knowledge is power…feel free to share this blog with your friends and neighbors.

Donna Okray Parman

Founder, The Gilpin Light

Email the Commissioners

... or call them at 303-582-5214 to voice your concerns.
Bypass lengthy voice commands by these extension numbers as soon as the system answers.  It will connect you to the Commissioner's voicemail.
Marie Mornis extension - 11101

Sandy Hollingsworth extension - 11103

Susan Berumen extension - 11102

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